Verseo CSS: Price comparison website compatible with Google tools
Verseo CSS

Complex tool for simple activities
Verseo is the biggest SEO&Digital Ads agency in our region and a strategic partner of Google in Eastern and Central Europe. We were contacted by Krzysztof Masłowski (CEO & Partner) who requested us to develop a price comparison website.
We were supposed to provide a platform that would automatically download and update offers based on files delivered by the partners. Out team was supposed to ensure high efficiency of data processing and a fast working service. The right tools require right solutions and those - the right people.

Simplicity lies in… complexity
Building a price comparison website is a complex process. In terms of technicality, the page is supposed to work fast and efficiently while keeping proper user experience. The more items in a database, the bigger the benefit for the client and users. However, the bigger the database and higher number of users, the more efficient the system has to be. Theoretically, it sounds simple even if realization is not.
At Sun Group, we specialize in such challenges. Soon afterwards, together with Verseo we began working on a comparison shopping website whose results are more than satisfying. Verseo CSS works with Google CSS (Comparison Shopping Services) which means that while typing in e.g. ‘stroller’ on Google, apart from a list of search results, we will also have this product’s price comparison in different shops.
Sun Group had to build an unusually efficient tool for a large group of users. Such a website comes also with benefits for shops’ owners who can use it to promote their products better. The owners also have a fast access to information about prices at other competitive shops which helps them to create a more attractive offer.

Numbers speak for themselves
At Verseo, there are more than 1.5 million products from more than 200 shops. Customers can compare prices of above 10 thousand brands. The page is compatible with Google tools and ensures intuitive navigation for visitors. Business clients and partners can easily add their products which automatically go to Google Shopping database.
What’s more, an owner of a shop doesn’t have to add a description to a product. It is done by a mechanism that automatically gets data about this product from a data feed. Verseo CSS uses what we provide at Sun Group – complex IT tools together with simplicity and intuitiveness in use.

Optimized sales
1,5 milion
active offers
6 million
products together
active shops
10,5 thousand
active brands
about your project
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