Kraina Drzwi - A shop open to a customer
Kraina Drzwi

Online cannot stop

Time for a new opening
The client’s decision was to create a totally new website which was supposed to not only look more modern, but also to have more features than the previous one. First of all, a product configurator. We faced the challenge of designing a new look of the shop, strongly emphasizing comfort and convenience of a user. In terms of functionality, we had to develop a system that would enable a multilevel configuration of different door models together with generating a preview that would include the chosen configuration.

Made-to-measure doors
Our task was to implement a configurator that would be able to layer graphical elements dynamically so that a customer could see exactly the product that they designed using particular components. The important feature on the website are filters that dynamically search for optional elements that a door can have but are not included in the default configuration.
From a customer service point of view, a very important function was to design a new system of changing prices directly from the product list; a system that would dynamically change price parameters in the previously created product combinations. For example, if one product has got a few variations, e.g. size-defined doors, then instead of changing the price in each variation, we implemented a function of extra charging that solves this issue in the system. Thanks to this function, the time spent to change prices on the website is significantly shorter. The shop has got more than 1000 products, each in 5 combinations on average. Nowadays, with costs of materials changing on daily basis causing the client to update prices constantly, the efficiency of this tool is priceless.

A successful renovation
A thousand configurations
Thanks to the use of modern graphical solutions, our configurator makes it possible to precisely reflect the look of more than 1000 products in many variations.
System of dependencies and exclusions
Each element affects the configured product and cleverly changes the price of a complex order.
Discount system
Possibility of generating promotional codes according to the needs. Influencers campaigns? By all means. System of promotions is a great marketing tool.
Modern design
Updated and adjusted to current standards, the new website look works well with functionality.
about your project
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